Monday, April 3, 2017

Story Phrases and Script

1.      “Oh, you sweet summer child.” Watching a YouTube video, Markiplier. Mark to NPC, condescending tone.

2.      “It’s got what plants crave!” Watching a YouTube video, Markiplier. Mark to NPC, exited, trying to sell something.
3.      “Keep on-a dancing, Keep on-a flying” Watching a YouTube video, Jack Septiceye. Jack to himself, self-encouragement.
4.      “Don’t jump my bones.” Speaking with sister over dinner. Sister to me. Telling a story of her day at work.

5.      “…But I try it and I get triggered.” Overheard from a customer talking on the phone at work.

Lost in Banter
By: Nico Beery
EXT. A wooded path, well light by golden sunlight filtering through the canopy far above.
Mason and Drew hike along a well-defined path in an open wooded area. Drew carries a brightly colored bag containing some type of junk food which she is happily munching on as she looks around at the scenery with childish innocence. Several strides ahead of her Mason scowls down at a large map, turning it at oblong angles as if trying to decipher it as the two continue walking down the path. The crinkling sound made by Drew’s bag is obviously irritating Mason. He tosses an irritated look at her over his shoulder, she catches his look wide eyed, tongue pressed against her cheek as if trying to unlodge something from her teeth. She extends her arm, offering him some of what’s in her bag.
No thank you. Don’t you know what they put in that stuff?
Oh come on, “It’s got what plants crave,” don’t you know.
Is that what they say? You don’t look very plant like to me.
Drew quickly stoops down a plucks a handful of leaves off the ground and places them on top of her head. She looks at Mason eagerly as if proving a point. Mason rolls his eyes and lets out a huff, half in irritation, half in amusement.
You really should try to get more vegetables into your diet.
Drew peers into her bag as she shakes her head at Mason. Her hand is poised in the air by her shoulder as her eyes search for the next morsel to pluck out of the bag.
Oh, you sweet summer child.
Come on, it’s this way for sure.
Mason sets off down the path at a determined pace, Drew skips along behind him.

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