Monday, April 10, 2017

Narrative Pitch

Title: What the Woods Hide
Tagline: Friendship is strong until backs are turned.
Logline: Two friends go for a walk in the woods, but one's intentions are more sinister then they first appear.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Story Phrases and Script

1.      “Oh, you sweet summer child.” Watching a YouTube video, Markiplier. Mark to NPC, condescending tone.

2.      “It’s got what plants crave!” Watching a YouTube video, Markiplier. Mark to NPC, exited, trying to sell something.
3.      “Keep on-a dancing, Keep on-a flying” Watching a YouTube video, Jack Septiceye. Jack to himself, self-encouragement.
4.      “Don’t jump my bones.” Speaking with sister over dinner. Sister to me. Telling a story of her day at work.

5.      “…But I try it and I get triggered.” Overheard from a customer talking on the phone at work.

Lost in Banter
By: Nico Beery
EXT. A wooded path, well light by golden sunlight filtering through the canopy far above.
Mason and Drew hike along a well-defined path in an open wooded area. Drew carries a brightly colored bag containing some type of junk food which she is happily munching on as she looks around at the scenery with childish innocence. Several strides ahead of her Mason scowls down at a large map, turning it at oblong angles as if trying to decipher it as the two continue walking down the path. The crinkling sound made by Drew’s bag is obviously irritating Mason. He tosses an irritated look at her over his shoulder, she catches his look wide eyed, tongue pressed against her cheek as if trying to unlodge something from her teeth. She extends her arm, offering him some of what’s in her bag.
No thank you. Don’t you know what they put in that stuff?
Oh come on, “It’s got what plants crave,” don’t you know.
Is that what they say? You don’t look very plant like to me.
Drew quickly stoops down a plucks a handful of leaves off the ground and places them on top of her head. She looks at Mason eagerly as if proving a point. Mason rolls his eyes and lets out a huff, half in irritation, half in amusement.
You really should try to get more vegetables into your diet.
Drew peers into her bag as she shakes her head at Mason. Her hand is poised in the air by her shoulder as her eyes search for the next morsel to pluck out of the bag.
Oh, you sweet summer child.
Come on, it’s this way for sure.
Mason sets off down the path at a determined pace, Drew skips along behind him.

Monday, February 27, 2017


6’1”, Green Eyes, Black Hair. He has been my best friend since seventh grade and helped me through the stigma of being gay in a rural Christian  community. He has had to deal with his own struggles of being associated with me, this interview will be about how this stigma has affected his life.
1.       How did this affect your home life?
2.       Did this affect your academics in any way?
3.       Did this cause conflict in your placement in extracurricular activities?
4.       Because you had a strong tie with a gay person did people think you were gay?
5.       Did you loss any friend over this?
6.       How did the Church treat you?
7.       When with her, how did businesses that refused her business treat you?
8.       How does her family treat you?
9.       Has being her friend influenced you towards bad life decisions
10.   Why did you remain friends with her despite all this conflict?

Monday, February 20, 2017

Music video Pitch

Genre: Action/Drama
Tone of song: Melancholy, Contemplative.
The song reflects the sadness of the warrior for the loss of his comrade and the contemplative form of his fighting after in order to bring justice upon the mage.
Concept: The struggle between the light and dark of the world is often bloody and end in loss.

Location: A wooden clearing with a forest floor. A small creek runs around ¾ of the clearing and an earthen cliff face makes up the other ¼ of the surrounding area.
The majority of the shots will be taken using a tripod, at either Full, Mid, or Long Shot. A hand held method will be used for the moving shots. Natural lighting will be used for the majority of the take, that being a bleak cloud covered light. Angles will change depending on the subject and the timing of the video. Sweeping, birds eye, and high and low angels will for the opening and fight scenes. (flash backs in B&W).

Poster: The Poster depicts the two warriors. The fallen stands slightly behind the victor in the suggestion of being protected. The white of their ‘uniforms’ suggests the men’s purity and nobility as warriors, and the red cloak of the victor not only brings to attention his role as the main character but also his fierce warrior spirit.

Shooting schedule: Date: 2-23-17, approximately 3:00 pm- 7:00 pm (if needed).
          Resources: tripod, camera, fake blood, prop swords/shield, 2 cloaks, 2 sets of warrior garb, 1               set of mage garb.
Location photos: