Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Fear Video

Fear from Nico Beery on Vimeo.

Song used House of Ghosts by gurdonark.


  1. Freaky! You really drove the emotion home. The video is really dark, which I know is the intent, but maybe bump up the exposure just a tad. Love it!

  2. Love the setting you were in, also love your color correction, it fit very well. Great job!

  3. I really enjoyed the black and white of the video. I also really enjoyed the pov shot at the end of the video.

  4. scream at the end was truly terrifying. Awesome use of stairs and lighting.

  5. nice video, should slightly edit the music so it isn't on a loop

  6. The lighting and the music really made it look creepy. The scream at the end was a great way to end it.

  7. Scary scenery! Really liked the setting and repetitive use of the sound file create a terrifying atmosphere!

  8. i liked the use of black and white, it is definitely a fearful video

  9. Good job! reminded me of one of your older horror movies in the early 1900s.

  10. Black and white was definitely a good choice! I love the way you set up the shots - the lighting worked with your monochrome really well.

  11. The use of your angles mixed with the black and white definitely gives off a creepy insight into fear and the unknown. Great use of music and the black video intervals during your video. Great job!

  12. Well done composition. Enjoyed the record pops and scratches as it related to the video. Just wanted the track to progress more musically than in a loop.

  13. I loved that scary look, but at the same time it is funny, maybe because of the intentional fall there in the end, that you can easily identify that its unnatural :D Very dark shots, i would lighten them up a bit, or use some light and darken it up in editing. Very good composition tho.. !
